
SEO backlink

buy permanent backlinks

A backlink or BL or inbound link is a hypertext link placed on a page of a website A that points to a page of a website B.

Under certain conditions, a backlink circulates Google Juice (Google juice) from page A to B. The quality and number of backlinks pointing to your website should be monitored to improve your popularity and visibility.
What does a backlink look like? (inbound link)

Image example of an incoming link to the AntheDesign site:


<a href=ummyURLummy>: The <a> tag defines a hypertext link used to link a page A to a page B and the href attribute specifies the URL or the address of the targeted page.
https://www.anthedesign.fr: HTTPS is the hypertext transfer protocol, and anthedesign.fr is the domain's name pointed to by the link.
Title = "web agency oise": The title attribute used on a link provides information necessary for the excellent navigation of the visitor and is complementary to the title of the association.
Target = "_ blank": The _blank attribute is used to open the linked page in a new window or tab.
AntheDesign: The anchor of a link in the visible and clickable text; it determines which term the landing page will be associated with.

What is a backlink used for?

Getting large numbers of quality backlinks to one of your web pages increases its popularity and visibility. A web page receiving good backlinks ranks better in search engines than a similar page without inbound links. In fact, and since the birth of the web, obtaining backlinks has often been one of the pillars of SEO strategy.
Netlinking, the SEO backlink

In an SEO strategy, getting a backlink is accomplished in two different ways.

Of course: We talk about a natural backlink when someone who likes your content decides to talk about you by pointing a link from one of their pages to one of yours. A natural link is also a link without any consideration on your part and a return link. Obtaining natural backlinks is part of a net linking strategy.

In a net linking strategy: A net linking strategy obtains quality inbound links by selecting the domains at the source of the link (s). A net linking-oriented SEO strategy aims to get links from pages with high PageRank or Trust Flow. For net linking or backlinking to be effective and sustainable, a series of criteria must be respected, such as the variety of source domains and their themes.

So we have the natural backlink on one side and the SEO backlink on the other. In both cases, check that the backlink does not bear the mention of “nofollow.” Generally, Google does not follow nofollow links, and PageRank is not transmitted. Using the “nofollow” attribute causes Google to remove targeted links from its index.
How to check the presence of your backlinks?

Getting backlinks or doing everything to get them is a good introduction to net linking. You must then be able to check regularly that the links obtained are still in place. Also, control the links gained and lost naturally. Free webmaster tools like Google Search Console give you a first idea of ​​which domains and pages are linking to you.
Links to the anthedesign website on Google Search Console

Not all backlinks are visible in Google Search Console. For SEO managers, paid tools such as Majestic SEO allow you to have a much more complete inventory to analyze your net linking, your link profile, and your notoriety (Citation Flow and Trust Flow).

Majestic offers, for example, a tool called Backlink History Checker: it compares the rate of counting backlinks for your domain and that of 5 competing domains.
Anthedesign site on Majestic Backlink History Checker (check backlinks)
To conclude

Obtaining or creating quality backlinks is essential for the visibility of your website. An effective and lasting link building is a good point in any SEO strategy. You still have to be able to determine what a good backlink is! And if you feel like linking to this article, don’t hesitate!

” offer crawl robots a gateway to a site (the site receiving the link). The quality and number of backlinks that exist to a single website are a basic measure of the website’s reputation in question. It is then assumed that a website to which hundreds of other sites link necessarily has an interest. A backlink can be compared to a vote: a site that collects a lot of votes is a good site.

To ensure optimal positioning in the search engines on your most strategic keywords, quality content and even more net linking remain at the heart of Google’s requirements. The advantage of backlinks is, therefore, to make you gain authority and visibility on the web. There are many ways to get backlinks or inbound links to your site. How to differentiate good backlinks from useless links or even penalizing for your site?

Having inbound links to your site is viewed by Google as a sign of trust, but not all links are of equal value to them. Here are the main criteria to take into account to know if a backlink is qualitative or not.

What is a backlink

A backlink or backlink is an incoming hypertext link that points to page A from site B. The latter is of fundamental importance for the referencing of a site. The quantity and quality of the profile of links pointing to a site are the main criteria of Google’s algorithm. Indeed, although the Onsite criteria (content, site structure, tag, loading speed) are important, Offsite remains the predominant one.

A well-made backlink aims to transfer Link Juice from site B to page A.

Google based its algorithm to estimate the popularity and brand awareness of a site, based on the authority of the “trust” of the sites, this trust being passed from site to site.

The popularity of a site is like the popularity of a person in real life. The more popular a person is told, the more popular they will be. It is even more so if people themselves are popular in the same field of expertise who call it popular. The same goes for websites.

The authority of a site is a “measure” of the quality of a domain with buy permanent backlinks.
Many indicators and tools are used to judge the authority of a domain.
Examples include the DA (Domain Authority) of Moz SEO and the DR (Domain Rating) of Ahrefs.
About forty parameters are taken into account to judge the level of authority/power of a domain. Here are the six main things to remember:

The number and quality of its referring domains

Today, the number of referral domains and their quality is perceived by search engines as an essential ranking criterion. Indeed, it is not enough for a single domain of great authority to link you; it will take several to prove to Google that the content offered on your site is relevant. Note that we prefer ten links from different sites than 15 inbound links from the same site.


A link from a high authority site is important, but it is even more important that that site is seen as relevant and trustworthy.
A domain’s trust index is determined by a metric called Trust Flow (TF), the latter being complementary to Citation Flow (CF), both of which are trademarks of Majestic SEO.
A score between 0 and 100 represents the quality of Trust Flow, it spreads from link to link.
A site with a TF score> 40 is classified in the High Trust Flow category according to Majestic SEO, and a backlink from the latter ensures you a good Link Juice.

Organic traffic from the domain name that backlinks you

This is probably the most important criterion to consider. If a site has significant organic traffic and ranks on many keywords in Google’s natural referencing, it is a priori that Google well regards it. It, therefore, has a good “SEO juice” to send to your site. He will have even more authority to send to your site if this backlink is made from an important page of the referring domain’s site. (Home page or page directly accessible from the main menu).

The history of the domain

The older a domain, the more established it is. Therefore, it is very likely that this site has a significant backlink profile and, therefore, more weight and authority.
Tools like the Internet Archive allow you to discover what a site looked like and understand its past activity.

Historical site backlink example

In addition to these many criteria, the following aspects should not be overlooked:

 The number of pages it has
 The total number of links on the site: a site referring too many outgoing links is often synonymous with artificial backlinks

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